C/ La Carrera, 6
39330 Santillana del Mar - Cantabria
C/ La Carrera, 6
39330 Santillana del Mar - Cantabria
942 84 01 06
942 84 01 06
Si quieres trabajar con nosotros, envíanos
tu C.V. a: info@elpasajedelosnobles.com
tu C.V. a: info@elpasajedelosnobles.com
Horario Temporada Baja:
Miércoles a Domingo:
· Comidas: 13:15 a 15:30
· Cenas: 20:15 a 22:30
* Lunes y Martes cerrados por descanso
Miércoles a Domingo:
· Comidas: 13:15 a 15:30
· Cenas: 20:15 a 22:30
* Lunes y Martes cerrados por descanso
Horario Temporada Alta:
Del 1 de Julio al 31 de Agosto
· Comidas: 13:15 a 15:30
· Cenas: 20:15 a 22:30
* Los Lunes cerrado por descanso.
Del 1 de Julio al 31 de Agosto
· Comidas: 13:15 a 15:30
· Cenas: 20:15 a 22:30
* Los Lunes cerrado por descanso.
Due to the current situation, we have adapted the capacity of our restaurant to the permitted standards and divided reservation times to comply with the protocols recommended by the health authorities, for which reason we ask you to be as punctual as possible.
We will serve you with all the required health and safety measures so that you feel safe and protected at all times while you enjoy our meals.
We will serve you with all the required health and safety measures so that you feel safe and protected at all times while you enjoy our meals.